I would never go so far as to say that I have a "sensitive palate." Saying you have a sensitive palate means you are a pussy and are a picky eater. I don't date nor would I ever date a picky eater because you are fucking boring and are a waste of centuries of culinary mastery and precision. This also goes for vegetarians and vegans who, in my book, are pretentious douchebags whose pathetic love for mindless organisms grown only for consumption is made even more ridiculous by the fact that cows are fucking delicious. That being said, I still must relent and admit that although I am willing to try almost anything in the realm of food, there ARE a few things that I will just not fuckin eat. So if I ever have a party and you bring this stuff to my house, be prepared for the tongue-lashing that will follow.
I don't know if it is good or not because I won't eat it. It looks like a can of jellied cancerous flesh. It may be delicious but it looks like people. And I took this cue from Soylent Green eons ago..No spam for me. Fuckin' enjoy.Nasty.
Vienna Sausages:
Same as spam...let me go ahead and say this..If it is packed in a "jelly-like" substance, even if the substance IS in fact jelly, I will not eat it. Period. Plus, these look like little dicks and I am homophobic. Hell, I can hardly stand to wipe hard.Ox tail:
Is this REALLY an Ox's tail? Really? That's just gross. Oxen are giant, smelly, hairy animals and you want to eat the flyswatter that hangs above their giant, hairy, smelly asshole? Man...you got problems. (Note: If you try to bring cows into this, fuck off... I don't eat cow tails you jerkoff.)Pigs Feet:
Why the feet? There are plenty of absolutely delicious parts of the pig to enjoy. What is tasty about big fat pig ankles? Especially knowing that pigs wallow in their own shit. Not to mention they are all pointy and gross. Their meaty hooves and who in their right mind sits down to a plate of hooves?Actually, I shouldn't just stop with the feet. The same people who eat this shit also eat chitterlings, tongue and pig jowls. Look people, we've evolved enough so that you don't have to eat this shit anymore..Just have a fucking hot dog for Christsakes.
What?!! Easy Cheese is awesome.